A greeting card is a way to express thoughts through print. 'Your thoughts in print.' They reflect life's experiences, which engender many human emotions, from the loss of a loved one, reasons to be thankful, romantic affections, gratitude, family appreciation, admiration, friendship, and humour because there is emotion in every aspect of life.
Greeting cards vs email or text
Numerous studies have shown that print is easier to comprehend than digital text. "[Print reading] is kind of like meditation — focusing our attention on something still," says Anne Mangen, a literacy professor at the University of Stavanger in Norway. "And it's a different kind of immersion than responding to [digital] stimuli.
Students who read from printed materials retain and comprehend information better than those who read from screens, according to the study's findings (e-reading). Legal Cheek.
The Human Connection
Any human connection is good, whether via email, text, letter writing or a card, and this shows that someone has thought about you and has taken the time to drop you a note expressing these thoughts.
But greeting cards go just that step further; It indicates that the person has carefully selected a card of their choice, possibly based on the appropriacy, i.e. the image at the front, the words on the inside, and perhaps the words they struggle with to express to you the recipient. Then, they go further to make an effort to add a stamp and post it—more effort is involved than pressing the send button.
How wonderful it is when sorting through the post at home when a beautiful card is addressed to you, waiting for you to open it among the bills. Efforts involve getting that card posted to you directly from purchasing online or from a retail outlet.
Greeting cards repeated reading
From my perspective, I tend to keep many of them, especially those that I find meaningful, like sympathy cards, anniversary cards, or motivational cards; I have found that reading them serves as a reminder, especially from a bereavement perspective. I am less likely to reread a text or an email and a letter is much more likely to be filed and reread.
"We've found that eight out of 10 millennials keep the cards they're given because they are so important to them as capstones of a relationship," says Lindsey Roy, chief marketing officer of Hallmark
What types of people buy greeting cards?
Women purchase more than 80% of all greeting cards.
Women also spend more time choosing a card than men and are more likely to buy several cards at once. Purchasing a house, getting married, and having children are key life-stage milestones driving card-buying habits.
Approximately 76% of UK adults purchase at least one card annually –
over 3/4 of the adult population!
Most card buyers are between 35 and 60.
Americans purchase approximately 6.5 billion greeting cards each year. Annual retail greeting card sales estimate between $7 and $8 billion.
Nine out of every ten households buy greeting cards each year.
USPS reported that greeting card mail volume increased last year for the fourth year (USPS Household Diary Study).
E-cards and M-cards (via mobile) count for only a tiny percentage of overall greeting card sales, and consumers prefer a card over a text with the same message. http://www.greetingcard.org/
The following is taken into consideration when purchasing a greeting card:
1. The right message
2. Art and design
3. Relevance to the occasion
4. relationship relevance
5. value for the money
Greeting cards are available in card shops, stationery shops, supermarkets, chemists, and train stations, to name just a few.
The fact that they are so widely available is testimony that greeting cards are essential because where there is a situation in life, there will be an appropriate greeting card.
Long live greeting cards!