My beautiful mind of pleasure
Where words of laughter cascade
Where thoughts digest and assimilate
Where emotions are on parade
My beautiful mind of pleasure
Where from within its walls, it creates
Where noise resounds in silence
Where self-talk and soliloquies drive debates
But my beautiful mind of pleasure
Can shatter in just one day
Fragmented by storms of bad thoughts,
From gushes of bad news, negativity, low self-worth
Rushing in like the angry sea
Relinquished by the tide
Thoughts that devastate
In the worst possible way
Eating away from inside
But I have found bricks,
To rebuild my broken mind
Although mountainous,
I will take one brick at a time
The first, I will call ‘Recognise the signs.’
The second I will call ‘Talk to Someone’
The third I will call ‘Permission to Cry’
The fourth I will call ‘Permission to be Positive.’
The fifth I will call ‘I am Resilient’
The sixth I will call ‘I am Precious’
The seventh, I will call ‘Focus on Happy.’
The eighth I will call ‘Accept the Things I Cannot Change.’
The ninth, I will call, ‘Surround myself with Positive People
The tenth I will call, ‘Go for a Walk.’
The eleventh, I will call ‘Sleep.’
The twelfth I will call ‘Gratitude.’
The thirteenth I will call ‘Imagination.’
On the fourteenth, I will mark it ’Sadness’ for refuse collection
The fifteenth, I will call, ‘Lend a Listening Ear.’
If you have other bricks, then please do share.